While learning about correlation, we understood that it indicates relationship between two variables. Indeed, there are correlation coefficients that involve more than two variables. It sounds unusual and you would wonder how to do it? Under what circumstance it can be done?
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The first is about the correlation between cholesterol level and bank balance for adults. Let us say that we find a positive correlation between these two factors. That is, as the bank balance increases, cholesterol level also increases. But this is not a correct relationship as Cholesterol level can also increase as age increases. Also as age increases, the bank balance may also increase because a person can save from his salary over the years. Thus there is age factor which influences both cholesterol level and bank balance. Suppose we want to know only the correlation between cholesterol and bank balance without the age influence, we could take persons from the same age group and thus control age, but if this is not possible we can statistically control the age factor and thus remove its influence on both cholesterol and bank balance. This if done is called partial correlation.
Partial correlation is a concept closely related to correlation. It shows that fact that when we find a correlation between two variables, this doesn't necessarily mean that there is causality between them.
Partial correlation quantifies the correlation between two variables when conditioned on one or several other variables.
Two variables, A and B, are closely related. The correlation between them is partialled out, or controlled for the influence of one or more variables is called as partial correlation.
So when it is assumed that some other variable is influencing the correlation between A and B, then the influence of this variable(s) is partialled out for both A and B. Hence it can be considered as a correlation between two sets of residuals.
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APA format of Partial Correlation
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